Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Getting Ready to Rock-n-Roll

How cool is that picture? I am pretty excited for this run! Let's start by saying we all know how much I LOVED Fleet Feet Knoxville and how I really missed it for the longest time.  I started with Rob & Patti about three years ago at Fleet Feet Marlton, not to long after I officially moved to the Dirty Jerz.  It has taken me some time, but I really do enjoy my time at FFM now.  Mike & I (and an extra guy named Joel, who doesn't work for FFM) are coaching a half marathon program, with HUGE thanks to Brooks, to get a group ready for the Philadelphia Rock'n'Roll in September.  I really enjoy being back to coaching.  I honestly forgot how much I LOVED it when I was at FFK.  Last night was our first hill workout and it was very hot out.  You know that kind of heat that when you run your chest trys to expand to get in the air but you can't? I was feeling very sluggish and hot, and I know the group was too! This upcoming Saturday we are doing 7 miles and I can't wait to see their faces when they are done and figure out that they are over HALFWAY now!! I'm a proud coach :)

Summer school is starting to come to an end.  A week from today and it will be over.  I am ready for the break and looking forward to my time in Tennessee.  I have really enjoyed this summer though.  Between getting to know some of the staff better and getting to know more kids, it has been a great experience; however, I can't wait to spend some time in the south with my SIL, broski & the babies! Not to mention Austin will by 8 next month.  I can't believe it - my little Tank will be 8! (

Please notice that both are Nike OHIO STATE shirts :) haha

Plus when I go home - I get to see Ms. O crawling :)

You know what else is funny - back home everyone is getting ready for the summer to end.  All my teacher friends from Tennessee are tlaking about getting ready to head back to school and I am just getting out of summer school. Crazy! So August will bring not only a trip home, but hopefully more time at CrossFit Aspire and with my training schedule.  I know my biggest struggle at this point in my weight loss journey is my nutrition.  I have been reading up on the Paleo lifestyle.  I am starting to figure it out but I need to start getting better at planning and preparing! I think if I did like an 75-80% Paleo and 20-25% Clean Eating plan I'd be set. 
Hopefully in August I can play with cooking some of the recipies in my new cookbook and the new blogs I've found like -- which has quickly become my FAVORITE! Juli is fun and witty and I really enjoy her posts!  

Todays WOD looks challening, but the strength is back squats so I am hoping to get a new PR there!!
Back Squat 5
4 Rounds
20 Push-ups
20 Goblet Squats
400m Sprint
- rest 90 seconds

Enjoy your day loves!

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